Through chemical compounds, we can overcome the self, permitting unreality to circumvent the retinas and sensory organs and move directly into the cerebral cortex. The senses become heightened, and the sense of rhythm in the body becomes more intense. These drugs often have serious side effects, but people are still entertained by them. All of humanity’s inventions are intended to liberate the body; they are an external way of banishing humanity’s lazy or greedy instincts. In contrast, drugs use chemical reactions with the blood stream to “exile” the mind and body, which puts the user at a moral disadvantage. You are doing obvious harm to yourself, and possibly because the pleasure of this act is limited to the individual, a communal social system is unable to accept this form of self-consumption and self-exile.
The Alp Digital Photogragh 150 x 100 cm 2014 1/5 + 2AP | A Sculpture of 100 Euro 4-Screen Video 2014 3/6 Edition | Columbia University-1, New York Archival Inkjet Print 152.4 x 121.9 cm 2013 1/3 edition |
Black Ocean Single channel film Color, Sound 38’35” 2016 2/5 edition | Material No.5 Oil on canvas 140 × 110 cm × 2 2017 | Sharp gap Acrylic on canvas 170 × 190 cm 2017 |
To Job: Wars are the things that only in between God and Satan, Hybrid Medium Installation 2.35m 2017 | Clouded White #5-2 carbon powder glued and printed on paper 100 × 70 cm 2017 |
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