1954 - 2019
Born in Xiamen, China, in 1954 and based in Paris since 1989, Huang Yongping was an indispensable figure in China’s avant-garde art movements in the early 1980s. In 1986, he and several friends established “Xiamen Dada”, and in 1989, he went to France to participate in “Magiciens de la Terre,” a major exhibition at the Centre Pompidou. Huang has lived in France for many years, and due to his status as an immigrant and the cultural differences and collisions he has experienced, he “takes on the East with the West and takes on the West with the East” in his work.
Huang has shown in major exhibitions and museums around the world for the last two decades. He represented France in the 48th Venice Biennale in 1999; his travelling retrospective “House of Oracles” was shown at Walker Art Center, Minneapolis (2005), Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (2006), Vancouver Art Gallery (2007) and was received with critical acclaim. His recent solo exhibitions include “Bâton Serpent” at MAXXI, Rome (2014); “Bâton Serpent III: Spur Track to the Left” at Power Station of Art, Shanghai (2016); “Empires” at Monumenta 16, Grand Palais, Paris; and the latest group show “Art and China after 1989: The Theater of the world” (2017) in New York's Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum made his testament to the importance of his contribution to the art world.


Hong Kong Foot
Huang Yongping & Shen Yuan

Huang Yongping
Bâton Serpent III
3.18 - 6.19, 2016
Power Station of Art, Shanghai

Huang Yongping & Sakarin Krue-on
2.12 - 4.26, 2015
BACC, Bangkok

Tracing the Milky Way
group exhibition
3.26 - 4.30, 2011

Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted 万物皆虚,万事皆允
Group exhibition: Ai Weiwei, Huang Yongping, Sun Yuan, Zhu Jia, Zhao Zhao
Press / News

Wolfgang Han Prize 2016 | Huang Yong Ping
For the 22nd year in a row, the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst am Museum Ludwig will present the Wolfgang Hahn Prize. In 2016 the recipient will be the artist Huang Yong Ping, who was born in 1954 in China and has lived in Paris since 1989. With this prize, the Gesellschaft für Moderne Kunst recognizes the consistent quality of the recipients’ work. The association will acquire a key work for the collection of the Museum Ludwig.
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ESSE | Huang Yongping, Bâton Serpent III: Spur Track to the Left
In his Theory of Religion (1973), the French intellectual behemoth Georges Bataille attempted to codify the intimacy between humans and animals through the act of sacrifice. In the most elemental sense, sacrifice is a moral lapse and its subsequent repair: humans transgress by joining the object of sacrifice in animistic communion in order to become whole (and wholly human) again. Huang Yongping’s exhibition, Bâton Serpent III: Spur Track to the Left, turns Bataille’s religious assertions into an aesthetic practice. Yongping creates a world of religious objects and tableaux populated with headless animals caught in the moments following sacrifice, a time and place where new orders of nature dominate, staged in ways that move between the familiar and the foreign...